Hi there 👋

Welcome to my blog! I write about all sorts of things, mainly computer science, politics, books I read, and economy.

Being opinionated

When I was younger, I had a lot of strong opinions. X is the best programming language Y is the best framework, and so on. And, to me, it seemed like these opinions were profound and based on facts. In hindsight, I discovered a new thing, dove deep and got entrenched into a novel system or new feature. Something that seemed so out of the ordinary, almost magical, that it made me stan for something....

May 18, 2024 · 444 words · Teraku

Perfect Form

Perfect Form In the song Saints from Prequel the text tried to define „blackness“ by saying Blackness is not a state of mind, […] Blackness. simply. is. I want to make the argument that Perfect Form or Perfection as a whole is the opposite of that. Recently there seems to be a lot of talk around perfect form in sports. This has always been somewhat of an evergreen topic for fitness influencers, but recently it seems to gain some more traction again....

March 20, 2023 · 481 words · Teraku

📚 Review: Mythos Geldknappheit

Disclaimer: This blog post will be in German, as the book I am talking about is also in German Für wen ist dieses Buch? Ich habe heute das Buch “Mythos Geldknappheit” von Maurice Höfgen fertig gelesen. Vorab kann ich schon einmal sagen, dass ich das Buch allen wärmstens ans Herz lege, die einen tieferen Einblick in die Gewerke der MMT haben möchten, die MMT mit einem leichten Europa Touch verstehen möchten, oder für ihre progressiven Gesellschaftsentwürfe einen makroökonomischen Unterbau suchen....

May 13, 2021 · 689 words · Teraku

Intention in languages

Sometimes I think about what a bliss computers are. I don’t mean in a way of how they have improved our quality of life (which they did) and I’m not trying to disregard of the fact that they have had and will continue to have lots of implications on our social interactions and sociatal perception. What I mean is the fact that we now have these machines which obey exactly the way as we tell them to....

February 19, 2021 · 729 words · Teraku

Prices of german houses

Prices of german houses So for a while I had a scraper running, which, once a day, scraped housing prices from chosen regions in Germany. I accumulated about 6 month of data until I stopped it, mainly because I didn’t feel like I’d ever properly utilise it. I decided to at least show some of it. This post is basically excerpts from a Jupyter notebook. A link to the data can be found at the end....

September 2, 2020 · 827 words · Teraku